Eight new cases push Sikkim’s tally to 32,382

Priya Shah
1 min readDec 8, 2021


The fresh infections have taken the number of active cases in the state to 198

Eight more people have tested positive for COVID-19 in Sikkim in the last 24 hours, taking the Himalayan state’s virus tally to 32,382, a Health Department bulletin said.

The COVID-19 death toll of the state stood at 405 as no fatality was reported in the past 24 hours, the bulletin said.

The fresh infections have taken the number of active cases to 198, while 341 others have migrated to other states and 31,438 persons have recovered from the disease.

East Sikkim has so far registered the highest number of cases at 18,031 followed by 7,133 in South Sikkim, 6,205 in West Sikkim, and 671 in North Sikkim.

The state has so far tested 2,72,855 samples for COVID-19.

Sikkim’s Covid-19 daily positivity rate stood 2.3 per cent, while the daily recovery ratio remained at 98.1 per cent.

